April Babies

March, 2023

These are the stones that celebrate who you are


In the collar:  Diamond symbolizes constancy and magical survival through elemental changes since it is not affected by the coolness of water and the heat of fire.  

Jewels of Tartarus does not work in Diamonds for several reasons:

Expense:  Your collar is precious and important to you.  But the things that make your collar precious and important to you mean nothing to the jewelry industry.  We try to keep your collars affordable – and outside of the market of “precious” or “important” jewelry.  There are plenty of merchants who cater to that market. 

Jewels of Tartarus believes it is unethical to support the price-fixing practices of the major players in the diamond market, most notably DeBeers, who held a monopoly on diamond production for decades.  And even though there is a small but growing cadre of diamond miners and purveyors in Russia, Australia, and Canada, where new mines have been discovered (breaking the monopoly DeBeers held on the world diamond market) it has become an oligopoly that still artificially overvalues diamonds.  More on that here 

Value:  Although “a diamond is forever,” a diamond’s actual value is not forever.  Contrary to the widely held belief that diamonds are a sound investment, they actually depreciate in value from the moment they are set into jewelry. More on that from Smart Asset  

Ethical Sourcing:  Diamond mining and merchandising is a lucrative business that can (and is) used to fund war, corruption, and exploitation of disenfranchised people.  More about ethical sourcing of diamonds in this Popular Science article 

Evaluation:  Because of their expense, consumers should make their investment with proper education on the standards of a good diamond.  There are many articles online about selecting a diamond that meets your needs.  Here’s one that outlines the “4 C’s” of selecting a diamond.  Diamonds can be evaluated and certified as authentic by –

o GIA – Gemological Institute of America. GIA is held by all (literally) to be the industry gold standard.

o AGS – American Gem Society

o GCAL – Gem Certification & Assurance Lab

o IGI – International Gemological Institute

o EGL – European Gemological Laboratories (although not as reliable as AGS or GIA)

Effective setting:  Diamonds are at their most beautiful and brilliant as a faceted stone in a prong or channel setting, not as beads.  Presently, our work is in beaded items.  We know our strengths and limitations.

Clear Quartz

In the collar:  Clear Quartz restores energy to the submissive whose empathy can leave them feeling depleted or for whom the daily grind of service empties their well of passion.  

White Topaz

In the collar:  White Topaz removes stuck or stagnant energy and allows you to discover your inner wealth of abilities, and go beyond the limits you once thought you had.


In the collar:  Amber is a great symbol for those whose lives are compartmentalized, and for whom navigating between various roles, responsibilities, and processes can be stressful.


In the collar:  Coral is an excellent symbol of the meaning and influence that service and submission bring to living.  

Please note all metaphysical or healing properties listed above are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions.  Jewels of Tartarus does not guarantee the effect of any of these statements.