April Babies
March, 2023
These are the stones that celebrate who you are
Birthstone: Diamond is the most commonly noted April birthstone.
Sun sign stone: Aries, Taurus, Libra
Known as:.
“Stone of Invincibility”
“Stone of Light”
“Forever Stone”
Anniversaries: Diamond is the stone to give for 10th 20th 30th 60th 75th 85th 95th and 100th anniversaries. (75th Anniversary is commonly known as The Diamond Jubilee.)
Home: If you live in
Arkansas, USA, Diamond is your Official State Stone.
South Africa, Diamond is your Official National Stone.
Angola, the Pink Diamond is your Official National Stone.
Spirit Guides: Diamond is the stone for spirit guide
Grasshopper (the leap of faith)
Satyr (sensuality, earthiness)
Vibration: Innocence, light, endurance, strength, purity, absolute truth, and everlasting affection
Ancient Powers and Legend: Diamond honors
Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Love
Eros, Greek God of Love and Desire
Sigyn, Nordic Goddess of faithfulness and loyalty. Wife of Loki
Zeus, Greek God of the sky; ruler, protector, and father of all gods
Affirmation: “I radiate my love and my gifts, and my dreams have been planted in my heart for a reason.”
Healing properties: The diamond represents purity and will help to purify negative beliefs you have about yourself.
It can help bring all facets of self together in harmonious balance. It brings clarity to everything that needs to be transformed and transmuted. Diamond brings accord and harmony to the owner and helps in overcoming pride, jealousy, and insecurity.
Diamond strengthens the positive traits of one’s personality, levels the shortcomings, as well as safeguards against the intrigues of those who seek to harm or take advantage of you. Imparting fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude, Diamonds clear emotional and mental pain and stimulate creativity. They create a sense of positive self-value and are great stones for anyone going through an identity crisis. Diamond is a symbol of loyalty and commitment, which is why it is chosen as a gift for those in romantic relationships.
In the collar: Diamond symbolizes constancy and magical survival through elemental changes since it is not affected by the coolness of water and the heat of fire.
Jewels of Tartarus does not work in Diamonds for several reasons:
Expense: Your collar is precious and important to you. But the things that make your collar precious and important to you mean nothing to the jewelry industry. We try to keep your collars affordable – and outside of the market of “precious” or “important” jewelry. There are plenty of merchants who cater to that market.
Jewels of Tartarus believes it is unethical to support the price-fixing practices of the major players in the diamond market, most notably DeBeers, who held a monopoly on diamond production for decades. And even though there is a small but growing cadre of diamond miners and purveyors in Russia, Australia, and Canada, where new mines have been discovered (breaking the monopoly DeBeers held on the world diamond market) it has become an oligopoly that still artificially overvalues diamonds. More on that here
Value: Although “a diamond is forever,” a diamond’s actual value is not forever. Contrary to the widely held belief that diamonds are a sound investment, they actually depreciate in value from the moment they are set into jewelry. More on that from Smart Asset
Ethical Sourcing: Diamond mining and merchandising is a lucrative business that can (and is) used to fund war, corruption, and exploitation of disenfranchised people. More about ethical sourcing of diamonds in this Popular Science article
Evaluation: Because of their expense, consumers should make their investment with proper education on the standards of a good diamond. There are many articles online about selecting a diamond that meets your needs. Here’s one that outlines the “4 C’s” of selecting a diamond. Diamonds can be evaluated and certified as authentic by –
o GIA – Gemological Institute of America. GIA is held by all (literally) to be the industry gold standard.
o GCAL – Gem Certification & Assurance Lab
o IGI – International Gemological Institute
o EGL – European Gemological Laboratories (although not as reliable as AGS or GIA)
Effective setting: Diamonds are at their most beautiful and brilliant as a faceted stone in a prong or channel setting, not as beads. Presently, our work is in beaded items. We know our strengths and limitations.
Clear Quartz
Birthstone: Clear Quartz (also called Quartz Crystal or Rock Crystal) is the second most commonly noted April birthstone.
Sun sign stone: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, (and to a lesser degree, all other sun signs. Clear Quartz is the “mother stone” with a broad spectrum of vibration suitable to most people.)
Known as:.
“Amplification Stone”
“Master Healer Stone”
“Perfect Jewel”
“Stone of Energy”
“Stone of Wishes”
Anniversaries: Clear Quartz Crystal is the stone to give for 3rd anniversaries.
Home: If you live in
Arkansas, USA, Clear Quartz (along with Diamond) is your Official State Stone.
Georgia, USA, Clear Quartz (along with all other varieties of Quartz and the mineral Staurolite) Diamond is your Official State Stone.
Spirit Guides: Clear Quartz is the stone for spirit guide
Lynx (knower of secrets, clairvoyance, and invisibility)
Wild Boar (spiritual strength, prosperity, confrontation, truthfulness, and introspection)
Eagle (Confidence, dignity, power, longevity, strength, courage, leadership, self-renewal, and freedom)
Vibration: Clarity, healing, cleansing, personal growth, decision-making, truth, pathways, amplification, thought, journey, uplifting, integration, raised consciousness
Ancient Powers and Legend: Clear Quartz honors
Gendenwitha, Iroquois Goddess of the Morning Star. Her name means “Brings the Day”
Hera, Greek Queen of the Gods, rules marriage, women, family
Idhunn (Idunna), Nordic Goddess of Spring and eternal youth. “Ever Young” is the keeper of the golden apples and granter of eternal youthfulness.
Ixcuiname, Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women
Obatala, Yoruban God who is eldest of the Orishas and the creator of humanity. He is gentle and patient, and rules over legal matters, serenity, and peace. “Father Obatala” also protects those who are blind, deaf, or living with birth defects.
Affirmation: “A world of opportunities awaits me.”
Healing properties: Clear Quartz is a shield against negative energy, infused with potent positive vibes. It kicks out the energy that is dragging you down and infuses you with a new sense of purpose and play. Clear Quartz is about spiritual growth, it entices you to look deep, to connect with higher plains, and to leap into the infinite possibilities offered by the universe. Its vibration brings clarity to your communication and will amplify your thoughts and may assist you by stimulating clearer thinking and amplifying feelings and emotions that already exist between you and others.
In the collar: Clear Quartz restores energy to the submissive whose empathy can leave them feeling depleted or for whom the daily grind of service empties their well of passion.
White Topaz
Birthstone: White Topaz (also called Clear Topaz or Silver Topaz) is an alternate birthstone for April.
Sun sign stone: Sagittarius
Known as:. The “Stone of Awareness”
Home: If you live in Utah, USA, Topaz is your Official State Stone and White Topaz can be worn.
Spirit Guides: White Topaz (and all varieties of Topaz, except Blue Topaz and Imperial Topaz) is the stone for spirit guide
Monkey (intelligence, playfulness, and caring)
Wild Boar (spiritual strength, prosperity, confrontation, truthfulness, and introspection)
Vibration: courage, dreams, amplification, truth, intuition, joy, balance, meditation, raised consciousness
Ancient Powers and Legend: White Topaz honors
Aditi, Hindu Mother Goddess and Goddess of the Boundless Sky; "Unbound, Free One" is associated with space and mystic speech. She is sometimes identified as the cosmic cow, the creator of the universe. She is invoked for protection, forgivness, freedom from sin, abundance, wealth and safety.
Audhumla, Nordic Goddess of nurturing. Primal force of shaping the universe. Her familiar is the cow.
Affirmation: “I embrace my life with optimism and I welcome new opportunities to broaden my horizons.”
Healing properties: White Topaz clears your mind and removes the veil of bias your emotions create, allowing approach a situation with detachment and rationality and see things for what they really are. It boosts your creativity and individuality, as well as your personal success and its manifestation. It also fosters the kind of success that is directed towards the good of all.
White Topaz encourages openness and truth, combats shyness, and improves self-esteem in the process. It is highly effective for honing psychic and intuitive gifts, especially clairvoyance and clairsentience, and is a remarkable stone of truth, permitting one to perceive the truth in others and to maintain adherence to the truth in oneself.
In the collar: White Topaz removes stuck or stagnant energy and allows you to discover your inner wealth of abilities, and go beyond the limits you once thought you had.
Birthstone: Amber is an alternate birthstone for April (also for July).
Sun sign stone: Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces
Known as:.
“Ray of Sunshine Stone”
“Gold of the Sea”
“Strong Protector Stone”
Home: If you live in
Poland, Amber is your Official National Stone.
Spain, Amber is your Official National Stone (along with Andalusite).
Spirit Guides: Amber is the gemstone for spirit guide
Duck (sensitivity, honesty, multiple talents)
Seahorse (patience, grace, balance)
Vibration: balance, clarity, courage, immunity, patience, positivity, vigor, wisdom
Ancient Powers and Legend: Amber honors
Elektra, Greek Goddess of Sea Clouds and Storm Clouds that form at the top of island mountains. She is powerful and life giving, bringing vital water to the high mountain dwellers along the seacoast.
Freyja, Nordic Goddess of Beauty, Love and Eroticism; The Great Goddess, “The Lady,” Queen of the Valkyries, daughter of Njord, and twin sister to Freyr. She is a warrior goddess of great wisdom and magick (reading runes, trances, astral travel and casting spells). She wears the sacred necklace Brisingamen, which she paid for by spending the night with the dwarves. Takes the form of dove or hawk. Weeps golden tears which become amber. Reunites warriors who've died in battle with their wives.
Inanna, Sumerian Queen of Heaven and Mother Goddess, ruler of sexual love, fertility, and warfare. She is the wife of Dumuzi and the daughter of Sin and Ningal. She was associated with lions and was frequently depicted standing on the backs of two lionesses.
Jurate, Lithuanian Goddess of the Sea, known for her Amber palace beneath the Baltic Sea and her story of tragic love. She inspires bravery and courage for those who risk everything for love.
“I focus on the positive aspects of my life.”
“My past is gone and has no power over me.”
Healing properties: Even though it is considered to be a gemstone, the origin of Amber is fossilized tree resin that carries the weight and knowledge of millions of years. Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that absorbs negative energy and transmutes it to positive and healing energy. A strong protector, Amber brings balance, flexibility, and patience. It brings stability and warm energy, and encourages a more spontaneous, light hearted disposition. That warm, bright energy also promotes trust and strengthens belief in oneself.
Amber stimulates the intellect, improves short-term memory, and enhances the understanding of messages from one’s past to assist in decision-making and moving forward in life. It is a great tool for manifesting dreams into reality. Amber links your everyday self with your higher self, or to put it another way, it helps you remain connected to your higher spiritual side without needing to actively and consciously engage that connection.
In the collar: Amber is a great symbol for those whose lives are compartmentalized, and for whom navigating between various roles, responsibilities, and processes can be stressful.
Birthstone: Coral is an alternate birthstone for April.
Sun sign stone: Aries, Pisces
Known as:.
“Tree of Life of the Sea”
“Stone of Peace and Transformation”
Anniversaries: Coral is the gemstone to give for 35th anniversaries.
Home: If you live in Taiwan, Coral is your Official National Stone.
Spirit Guides: Coral is the stone for the spirit guides
Clam (digging deep for answers, symbiosis)
Rabbit (Movement, fertility, positivity, luck)
Vibration: modesty, wisdom, happiness, immortality, community, love, luck, patience, sexuality, transformation
Ancient Powers and Legend: Coral honors
Aegir, Nordic God Ale-brewer and jotunn, (giant nature spirit) He is King of the Sea.
Kartikeya (Scanda), Hindu God of War. (Taught Lord Shiva the meaning of OM)
Nehalennia, Nordic Goddess of Plenty and sea travelers
Turan, Etruscan Goddess of Love and Beauty
Yemoja (Yemaya), Yoruban Goddess (Orisha) of the Sea, motherhood, feminine sexuality, and the New Year. She provides support in times of crisis, protecting children and women, especially those suffering from neglect or abuse.
Affirmation: “I am grateful for the experiences that have made me who I am.”
Healing properties: Coral fosters vitality, wellness, success, prosperity and mental focus. It represents the correct use of power, untapped energy, and driving ambition that creates leadership, courage, and confidence. Coral is an excellent vehicle to safely empower us to deal with the past and move forward. Although it is associated with power and confidence, it is also a calming and protective stone for those who experience anxiety and fear, bringing a sense of stability and well-being.
Coral reminds us that every action, no matter how mundane, has a spiritual aspect to it. As such, we can gradually learn how each movement we make is a form of connection to deeper meaning and every moment is an act of devotion – all are opportunities to put forth our best self, and to live fully alive.
In the collar: Coral is an excellent symbol of the meaning and influence that service and submission bring to living.
Please note all metaphysical or healing properties listed above are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Jewels of Tartarus does not guarantee the effect of any of these statements.